Alchemical Leadership

August 17-19, 2022 at 9:00 am PT


Turn your creativity into prosperity, lead with your values + unearth the gold of your most soulful service.  

Join Britta GreenViolet for a free 3-day journey into the alchemical principles of leadership!

From 9-10am PT daily, Wednesday-Friday, we'll explore 3 phases of alchemy to create a lasting legacy that represents your most soul-centered work. One hour each day in a collective, co-creative experience that will include an opportunity for LIVE Alchemical Hot Seat coaching from Britta.

Here's our curriculum:

Day 1: Alchemical Initiation 
(alchemy101, identifying your soul initiations, making the shift from work to Work}

Day 2: Alchemical Storytelling
(truth telling, harvesting the gold from your unique experiences, magnetize your people with the power of your stories)

Day 3: Alchemical Service 
(aligning your values + mission with your offerings, turning creativity into prosperity through soulful service)

If you're looking for an entirely new way to bring your best Work and most soul-centered gifts forward, I see you, and I've got you!

Whether you're coming out of the mystical closet in your field, evolving your mission, or embodying your next evolution of mastery, this free workshop series will illuminate the journey through soul initiation, leading into the heart of your most sacred body of work.

PS. If you attended this workshop in the past
, this is version 2.0 and will offer new insight and opportunity for growth and awakened action in your personal and professional work. Plus, repetition is good medicine ;)